A set of two poetry anthologies, Birth, Death & The Bits In Between & Searching For Light (2 x A5 paperback books)
Birth, Death & The Bits In Between
An Anthology of Poems
Written by R.K.J. Adams.
We are born and we die. Those two occurrences are the only certain events known about each of us. Our lives are unique and special because of the people we meet and the experiences we share. Our 'in-between bits' define each human.
Searching For Light
A Year Through Poetry
Written by R.K.J. Adams
From observations of personal, national and international events in the year following her sixtieth birthday, R.K.J. Adams captures the spectrum of human emotions in her second anthology of poetry. Celebrate the joy and laughter of life and the times when only despair fills our human hearts through thirty-five poems.